This is a transcript for a video linked here: ITGC IT General Controls.
00:00:01.120 --> 00:00:02.710 in this video i'm going to give an 00:00:02.710 --> 00:00:02.720 in this video i'm going to give an 00:00:02.720 --> 00:00:06.070 in this video i'm going to give an overview of itgc information technology 00:00:06.070 --> 00:00:06.080 overview of itgc information technology 00:00:06.080 --> 00:00:07.829 overview of itgc information technology general controls 00:00:07.829 --> 00:00:07.839 general controls 00:00:07.839 --> 00:00:09.509 general controls understand what they are 00:00:09.509 --> 00:00:09.519 understand what they are 00:00:09.519 --> 00:00:11.669 understand what they are why do you want to use them and how they 00:00:11.669 --> 00:00:11.679 why do you want to use them and how they 00:00:11.679 --> 00:00:13.990 why do you want to use them and how they can make your it systems more secure 00:00:13.990 --> 00:00:14.000 can make your it systems more secure 00:00:14.000 --> 00:00:17.189 can make your it systems more secure reliable and effective 00:00:17.189 --> 00:00:17.199 reliable and effective 00:00:17.199 --> 00:00:20.230 reliable and effective itgc controls are often used as part of 00:00:20.230 --> 00:00:20.240 itgc controls are often used as part of 00:00:20.240 --> 00:00:22.470 itgc controls are often used as part of business compliance requirements this 00:00:22.470 --> 00:00:22.480 business compliance requirements this 00:00:22.480 --> 00:00:24.630 business compliance requirements this includes the cobit framework 00:00:24.630 --> 00:00:24.640 includes the cobit framework 00:00:24.640 --> 00:00:26.950 includes the cobit framework control objectives for information and 00:00:26.950 --> 00:00:26.960 control objectives for information and 00:00:26.960 --> 00:00:28.550 control objectives for information and related technology 00:00:28.550 --> 00:00:28.560 related technology 00:00:28.560 --> 00:00:31.189 related technology and sarbanes-oxley act 00:00:31.189 --> 00:00:31.199 and sarbanes-oxley act 00:00:31.199 --> 00:00:33.590 and sarbanes-oxley act abbreviated to socks 00:00:33.590 --> 00:00:33.600 abbreviated to socks 00:00:33.600 --> 00:00:35.030 abbreviated to socks even if you don't need to comply with 00:00:35.030 --> 00:00:35.040 even if you don't need to comply with 00:00:35.040 --> 00:00:37.510 even if you don't need to comply with that act or any other compliance it's a 00:00:37.510 --> 00:00:37.520 that act or any other compliance it's a 00:00:37.520 --> 00:00:40.790 that act or any other compliance it's a good idea to know about igtgc 00:00:40.790 --> 00:00:40.800 good idea to know about igtgc 00:00:40.800 --> 00:00:42.950 good idea to know about igtgc as it provides best practice for 00:00:42.950 --> 00:00:42.960 as it provides best practice for 00:00:42.960 --> 00:00:45.190 as it provides best practice for operating it systems 00:00:45.190 --> 00:00:45.200 operating it systems 00:00:45.200 --> 00:00:48.310 operating it systems essentially itgc's are internal controls 00:00:48.310 --> 00:00:48.320 essentially itgc's are internal controls 00:00:48.320 --> 00:00:49.990 essentially itgc's are internal controls which helps your business to be more 00:00:49.990 --> 00:00:50.000 which helps your business to be more 00:00:50.000 --> 00:00:51.510 which helps your business to be more effective 00:00:51.510 --> 00:00:51.520 effective 00:00:51.520 --> 00:00:53.350 effective this video will just give a quick 00:00:53.350 --> 00:00:53.360 this video will just give a quick 00:00:53.360 --> 00:00:55.590 this video will just give a quick overview of the different aspects that 00:00:55.590 --> 00:00:55.600 overview of the different aspects that 00:00:55.600 --> 00:00:59.029 overview of the different aspects that make up the itgc framework the framework 00:00:59.029 --> 00:00:59.039 make up the itgc framework the framework 00:00:59.039 --> 00:01:01.270 make up the itgc framework the framework provides controls over the major risks 00:01:01.270 --> 00:01:01.280 provides controls over the major risks 00:01:01.280 --> 00:01:03.670 provides controls over the major risks related to it systems 00:01:03.670 --> 00:01:03.680 related to it systems 00:01:03.680 --> 00:01:06.070 related to it systems these are in the four categories 00:01:06.070 --> 00:01:06.080 these are in the four categories 00:01:06.080 --> 00:01:08.310 these are in the four categories access to programs and data 00:01:08.310 --> 00:01:08.320 access to programs and data 00:01:08.320 --> 00:01:09.910 access to programs and data program changes 00:01:09.910 --> 00:01:09.920 program changes 00:01:09.920 --> 00:01:12.149 program changes computer operations and program 00:01:12.149 --> 00:01:12.159 computer operations and program 00:01:12.159 --> 00:01:15.350 computer operations and program development 00:01:15.350 --> 00:01:15.360 00:01:15.360 --> 00:01:17.270 the first category looks at who can 00:01:17.270 --> 00:01:17.280 the first category looks at who can 00:01:17.280 --> 00:01:20.070 the first category looks at who can access the programs and data 00:01:20.070 --> 00:01:20.080 access the programs and data 00:01:20.080 --> 00:01:21.910 access the programs and data this should start with the security 00:01:21.910 --> 00:01:21.920 this should start with the security 00:01:21.920 --> 00:01:25.350 this should start with the security policy it policy or other policy which 00:01:25.350 --> 00:01:25.360 policy it policy or other policy which 00:01:25.360 --> 00:01:27.590 policy it policy or other policy which defines who is allowed to access what 00:01:27.590 --> 00:01:27.600 defines who is allowed to access what 00:01:27.600 --> 00:01:29.590 defines who is allowed to access what data and the appropriate level of access 00:01:29.590 --> 00:01:29.600 data and the appropriate level of access 00:01:29.600 --> 00:01:31.270 data and the appropriate level of access for each system 00:01:31.270 --> 00:01:31.280 for each system 00:01:31.280 --> 00:01:33.030 for each system typically this will be based on the 00:01:33.030 --> 00:01:33.040 typically this will be based on the 00:01:33.040 --> 00:01:35.350 typically this will be based on the principle of least privilege whereby 00:01:35.350 --> 00:01:35.360 principle of least privilege whereby 00:01:35.360 --> 00:01:37.429 principle of least privilege whereby only the minimum access is given to a 00:01:37.429 --> 00:01:37.439 only the minimum access is given to a 00:01:37.439 --> 00:01:39.590 only the minimum access is given to a user 00:01:39.590 --> 00:01:39.600 user 00:01:39.600 --> 00:01:41.270 user you need to ensure that the aaa 00:01:41.270 --> 00:01:41.280 you need to ensure that the aaa 00:01:41.280 --> 00:01:43.910 you need to ensure that the aaa framework is implemented 00:01:43.910 --> 00:01:43.920 framework is implemented 00:01:43.920 --> 00:01:47.429 framework is implemented ensuring authentication authorization 00:01:47.429 --> 00:01:47.439 ensuring authentication authorization 00:01:47.439 --> 00:01:49.590 ensuring authentication authorization and auditing 00:01:49.590 --> 00:01:49.600 and auditing 00:01:49.600 --> 00:01:51.270 and auditing cissp 00:01:51.270 --> 00:01:51.280 cissp 00:01:51.280 --> 00:01:54.069 cissp also includes identification and 00:01:54.069 --> 00:01:54.079 also includes identification and 00:01:54.079 --> 00:01:57.670 also includes identification and accounting when referring to aaa 00:01:57.670 --> 00:01:57.680 accounting when referring to aaa 00:01:57.680 --> 00:01:59.670 accounting when referring to aaa there should be a process for then 00:01:59.670 --> 00:01:59.680 there should be a process for then 00:01:59.680 --> 00:02:02.069 there should be a process for then adding that access and at least as 00:02:02.069 --> 00:02:02.079 adding that access and at least as 00:02:02.079 --> 00:02:04.950 adding that access and at least as important a process for removing access 00:02:04.950 --> 00:02:04.960 important a process for removing access 00:02:04.960 --> 00:02:07.109 important a process for removing access when someone leaves the company 00:02:07.109 --> 00:02:07.119 when someone leaves the company 00:02:07.119 --> 00:02:09.109 when someone leaves the company or changes role which no longer needs 00:02:09.109 --> 00:02:09.119 or changes role which no longer needs 00:02:09.119 --> 00:02:10.550 or changes role which no longer needs that access 00:02:10.550 --> 00:02:10.560 that access 00:02:10.560 --> 00:02:12.229 that access there should also be a process for 00:02:12.229 --> 00:02:12.239 there should also be a process for 00:02:12.239 --> 00:02:14.390 there should also be a process for revalidating that access on a regular 00:02:14.390 --> 00:02:14.400 revalidating that access on a regular 00:02:14.400 --> 00:02:16.390 revalidating that access on a regular basis 00:02:16.390 --> 00:02:16.400 basis 00:02:16.400 --> 00:02:18.470 basis additional checks need to be made 00:02:18.470 --> 00:02:18.480 additional checks need to be made 00:02:18.480 --> 00:02:23.190 additional checks need to be made on anyone who has administrator access 00:02:23.190 --> 00:02:23.200 on anyone who has administrator access 00:02:23.200 --> 00:02:24.869 on anyone who has administrator access and there should also be a process for 00:02:24.869 --> 00:02:24.879 and there should also be a process for 00:02:24.879 --> 00:02:30.790 and there should also be a process for monitoring for invalid logins 00:02:30.790 --> 00:02:30.800 00:02:30.800 --> 00:02:32.869 next is to have controls around changes 00:02:32.869 --> 00:02:32.879 next is to have controls around changes 00:02:32.879 --> 00:02:35.190 next is to have controls around changes to the programs 00:02:35.190 --> 00:02:35.200 to the programs 00:02:35.200 --> 00:02:37.430 to the programs again this typically starts with a 00:02:37.430 --> 00:02:37.440 again this typically starts with a 00:02:37.440 --> 00:02:39.910 again this typically starts with a policy in this case it's normally the it 00:02:39.910 --> 00:02:39.920 policy in this case it's normally the it 00:02:39.920 --> 00:02:40.949 policy in this case it's normally the it policy 00:02:40.949 --> 00:02:40.959 policy 00:02:40.959 --> 00:02:43.030 policy although it may include the it security 00:02:43.030 --> 00:02:43.040 although it may include the it security 00:02:43.040 --> 00:02:45.350 although it may include the it security policy as well 00:02:45.350 --> 00:02:45.360 policy as well 00:02:45.360 --> 00:02:47.670 policy as well what is the process and systems used to 00:02:47.670 --> 00:02:47.680 what is the process and systems used to 00:02:47.680 --> 00:02:49.430 what is the process and systems used to ensure that changes to hardware and 00:02:49.430 --> 00:02:49.440 ensure that changes to hardware and 00:02:49.440 --> 00:02:52.070 ensure that changes to hardware and software will not risk either the system 00:02:52.070 --> 00:02:52.080 software will not risk either the system 00:02:52.080 --> 00:02:53.670 software will not risk either the system availability 00:02:53.670 --> 00:02:53.680 availability 00:02:53.680 --> 00:02:56.869 availability or the security of the system 00:02:56.869 --> 00:02:56.879 or the security of the system 00:02:56.879 --> 00:02:59.509 or the security of the system program changes could include hardware 00:02:59.509 --> 00:02:59.519 program changes could include hardware 00:02:59.519 --> 00:03:03.190 program changes could include hardware or system replacements 00:03:03.190 --> 00:03:03.200 00:03:03.200 --> 00:03:05.110 changes to the software this could 00:03:05.110 --> 00:03:05.120 changes to the software this could 00:03:05.120 --> 00:03:07.430 changes to the software this could include upgrades book physics 00:03:07.430 --> 00:03:07.440 include upgrades book physics 00:03:07.440 --> 00:03:10.790 include upgrades book physics or code developed in-house 00:03:10.790 --> 00:03:10.800 or code developed in-house 00:03:10.800 --> 00:03:12.710 or code developed in-house in particular changes that could impact 00:03:12.710 --> 00:03:12.720 in particular changes that could impact 00:03:12.720 --> 00:03:14.630 in particular changes that could impact performance or changes to security 00:03:14.630 --> 00:03:14.640 performance or changes to security 00:03:14.640 --> 00:03:18.229 performance or changes to security mechanisms for example able to enabling 00:03:18.229 --> 00:03:18.239 mechanisms for example able to enabling 00:03:18.239 --> 00:03:22.309 mechanisms for example able to enabling or disabling multi-factor authentication 00:03:22.309 --> 00:03:22.319 or disabling multi-factor authentication 00:03:22.319 --> 00:03:24.229 or disabling multi-factor authentication another consideration is the approval 00:03:24.229 --> 00:03:24.239 another consideration is the approval 00:03:24.239 --> 00:03:25.430 another consideration is the approval process 00:03:25.430 --> 00:03:25.440 process 00:03:25.440 --> 00:03:27.430 process does someone need to review or approve 00:03:27.430 --> 00:03:27.440 does someone need to review or approve 00:03:27.440 --> 00:03:30.309 does someone need to review or approve changes before they are implemented 00:03:30.309 --> 00:03:30.319 changes before they are implemented 00:03:30.319 --> 00:03:32.070 changes before they are implemented is there a different approval process 00:03:32.070 --> 00:03:32.080 is there a different approval process 00:03:32.080 --> 00:03:34.789 is there a different approval process for emergency security patches 00:03:34.789 --> 00:03:34.799 for emergency security patches 00:03:34.799 --> 00:03:37.190 for emergency security patches or what about code developed in-house is 00:03:37.190 --> 00:03:37.200 or what about code developed in-house is 00:03:37.200 --> 00:03:39.190 or what about code developed in-house is that reviewed by someone other than the 00:03:39.190 --> 00:03:39.200 that reviewed by someone other than the 00:03:39.200 --> 00:03:41.030 that reviewed by someone other than the developer 00:03:41.030 --> 00:03:41.040 developer 00:03:41.040 --> 00:03:42.949 developer the computer operations controls are 00:03:42.949 --> 00:03:42.959 the computer operations controls are 00:03:42.959 --> 00:03:44.949 the computer operations controls are about maintaining the system including 00:03:44.949 --> 00:03:44.959 about maintaining the system including 00:03:44.959 --> 00:03:48.229 about maintaining the system including physical access and data integrity 00:03:48.229 --> 00:03:48.239 physical access and data integrity 00:03:48.239 --> 00:03:50.550 physical access and data integrity this will need input from both the it 00:03:50.550 --> 00:03:50.560 this will need input from both the it 00:03:50.560 --> 00:03:53.990 this will need input from both the it and security policies 00:03:53.990 --> 00:03:54.000 00:03:54.000 --> 00:03:56.390 what system monitoring is in place both 00:03:56.390 --> 00:03:56.400 what system monitoring is in place both 00:03:56.400 --> 00:03:58.630 what system monitoring is in place both in terms of availability and monitoring 00:03:58.630 --> 00:03:58.640 in terms of availability and monitoring 00:03:58.640 --> 00:04:01.670 in terms of availability and monitoring for potential security issues 00:04:01.670 --> 00:04:01.680 for potential security issues 00:04:01.680 --> 00:04:03.910 for potential security issues is there fixed job scheduling and what 00:04:03.910 --> 00:04:03.920 is there fixed job scheduling and what 00:04:03.920 --> 00:04:05.910 is there fixed job scheduling and what processes are in place to ensure that 00:04:05.910 --> 00:04:05.920 processes are in place to ensure that 00:04:05.920 --> 00:04:08.789 processes are in place to ensure that those are not compromised 00:04:08.789 --> 00:04:08.799 those are not compromised 00:04:08.799 --> 00:04:10.869 those are not compromised how is the data center managed is there 00:04:10.869 --> 00:04:10.879 how is the data center managed is there 00:04:10.879 --> 00:04:12.949 how is the data center managed is there appropriate systems for redundant power 00:04:12.949 --> 00:04:12.959 appropriate systems for redundant power 00:04:12.959 --> 00:04:16.629 appropriate systems for redundant power cooling and access control 00:04:16.629 --> 00:04:16.639 00:04:16.639 --> 00:04:18.310 are there appropriate systems in place 00:04:18.310 --> 00:04:18.320 are there appropriate systems in place 00:04:18.320 --> 00:04:20.629 are there appropriate systems in place for backup and recovery are the backups 00:04:20.629 --> 00:04:20.639 for backup and recovery are the backups 00:04:20.639 --> 00:04:23.030 for backup and recovery are the backups verified and a process to restore data 00:04:23.030 --> 00:04:23.040 verified and a process to restore data 00:04:23.040 --> 00:04:27.270 verified and a process to restore data when required 00:04:27.270 --> 00:04:27.280 00:04:27.280 --> 00:04:29.110 you may also need to include disaster 00:04:29.110 --> 00:04:29.120 you may also need to include disaster 00:04:29.120 --> 00:04:31.270 you may also need to include disaster recovery plans in the case the site is 00:04:31.270 --> 00:04:31.280 recovery plans in the case the site is 00:04:31.280 --> 00:04:33.590 recovery plans in the case the site is completely unavailable perhaps due to 00:04:33.590 --> 00:04:33.600 completely unavailable perhaps due to 00:04:33.600 --> 00:04:37.110 completely unavailable perhaps due to fire or a natural disaster 00:04:37.110 --> 00:04:37.120 fire or a natural disaster 00:04:37.120 --> 00:04:39.110 fire or a natural disaster program development covers internal 00:04:39.110 --> 00:04:39.120 program development covers internal 00:04:39.120 --> 00:04:41.270 program development covers internal software development but also any 00:04:41.270 --> 00:04:41.280 software development but also any 00:04:41.280 --> 00:04:42.950 software development but also any software and systems from other 00:04:42.950 --> 00:04:42.960 software and systems from other 00:04:42.960 --> 00:04:45.430 software and systems from other developers 00:04:45.430 --> 00:04:45.440 developers 00:04:45.440 --> 00:04:47.430 developers as with all these controls it needs to 00:04:47.430 --> 00:04:47.440 as with all these controls it needs to 00:04:47.440 --> 00:04:49.590 as with all these controls it needs to start with having a policy in place as 00:04:49.590 --> 00:04:49.600 start with having a policy in place as 00:04:49.600 --> 00:04:52.629 start with having a policy in place as to how these are implemented 00:04:52.629 --> 00:04:52.639 to how these are implemented 00:04:52.639 --> 00:04:55.270 to how these are implemented as i said this includes systems that are 00:04:55.270 --> 00:04:55.280 as i said this includes systems that are 00:04:55.280 --> 00:04:58.070 as i said this includes systems that are brought in or manage services 00:04:58.070 --> 00:04:58.080 brought in or manage services 00:04:58.080 --> 00:04:59.670 brought in or manage services the controls could start with the 00:04:59.670 --> 00:04:59.680 the controls could start with the 00:04:59.680 --> 00:05:01.189 the controls could start with the selection of the supplier and the 00:05:01.189 --> 00:05:01.199 selection of the supplier and the 00:05:01.199 --> 00:05:03.990 selection of the supplier and the acquisition of the services including 00:05:03.990 --> 00:05:04.000 acquisition of the services including 00:05:04.000 --> 00:05:05.990 acquisition of the services including the implementation and the ongoing 00:05:05.990 --> 00:05:06.000 the implementation and the ongoing 00:05:06.000 --> 00:05:09.430 the implementation and the ongoing maintenance of the system 00:05:09.430 --> 00:05:09.440 00:05:09.440 --> 00:05:11.430 developing your own code then the system 00:05:11.430 --> 00:05:11.440 developing your own code then the system 00:05:11.440 --> 00:05:13.270 developing your own code then the system design and architecture needs to be 00:05:13.270 --> 00:05:13.280 design and architecture needs to be 00:05:13.280 --> 00:05:15.189 design and architecture needs to be covered 00:05:15.189 --> 00:05:15.199 covered 00:05:15.199 --> 00:05:18.310 covered as well as the development methodology 00:05:18.310 --> 00:05:18.320 as well as the development methodology 00:05:18.320 --> 00:05:20.390 as well as the development methodology you also need to cover the full software 00:05:20.390 --> 00:05:20.400 you also need to cover the full software 00:05:20.400 --> 00:05:22.390 you also need to cover the full software development lifecycle 00:05:22.390 --> 00:05:22.400 development lifecycle 00:05:22.400 --> 00:05:24.790 development lifecycle this should cover in-house systems which 00:05:24.790 --> 00:05:24.800 this should cover in-house systems which 00:05:24.800 --> 00:05:27.350 this should cover in-house systems which may include testing and software reviews 00:05:27.350 --> 00:05:27.360 may include testing and software reviews 00:05:27.360 --> 00:05:29.110 may include testing and software reviews also for third-party systems 00:05:29.110 --> 00:05:29.120 also for third-party systems 00:05:29.120 --> 00:05:30.390 also for third-party systems particularly 00:05:30.390 --> 00:05:30.400 particularly 00:05:30.400 --> 00:05:32.469 particularly reviews when there is a significant 00:05:32.469 --> 00:05:32.479 reviews when there is a significant 00:05:32.479 --> 00:05:35.909 reviews when there is a significant change to the software or to the system 00:05:35.909 --> 00:05:35.919 change to the software or to the system 00:05:35.919 --> 00:05:38.070 change to the software or to the system implementing it general controls 00:05:38.070 --> 00:05:38.080 implementing it general controls 00:05:38.080 --> 00:05:40.550 implementing it general controls involves an initial assessment writing 00:05:40.550 --> 00:05:40.560 involves an initial assessment writing 00:05:40.560 --> 00:05:42.950 involves an initial assessment writing document collecting evidence and then 00:05:42.950 --> 00:05:42.960 document collecting evidence and then 00:05:42.960 --> 00:05:44.310 document collecting evidence and then reviewing 00:05:44.310 --> 00:05:44.320 reviewing 00:05:44.320 --> 00:05:46.230 reviewing this needs to be repeated 00:05:46.230 --> 00:05:46.240 this needs to be repeated 00:05:46.240 --> 00:05:48.310 this needs to be repeated as changes are made 00:05:48.310 --> 00:05:48.320 as changes are made 00:05:48.320 --> 00:05:51.350 as changes are made or as part of a regular review schedule 00:05:51.350 --> 00:05:51.360 or as part of a regular review schedule 00:05:51.360 --> 00:05:53.590 or as part of a regular review schedule i've illustrated this as a cycle this is 00:05:53.590 --> 00:05:53.600 i've illustrated this as a cycle this is 00:05:53.600 --> 00:05:55.510 i've illustrated this as a cycle this is something that should be repeated 00:05:55.510 --> 00:05:55.520 something that should be repeated 00:05:55.520 --> 00:05:57.029 something that should be repeated different systems may need to be 00:05:57.029 --> 00:05:57.039 different systems may need to be 00:05:57.039 --> 00:05:59.110 different systems may need to be reviewed at a different rate depending 00:05:59.110 --> 00:05:59.120 reviewed at a different rate depending 00:05:59.120 --> 00:06:03.670 reviewed at a different rate depending upon how the systems change over time 00:06:03.670 --> 00:06:03.680 00:06:03.680 --> 00:06:05.270 this has just been a quick overview of 00:06:05.270 --> 00:06:05.280 this has just been a quick overview of 00:06:05.280 --> 00:06:06.790 this has just been a quick overview of some of the aspects related to 00:06:06.790 --> 00:06:06.800 some of the aspects related to 00:06:06.800 --> 00:06:09.430 some of the aspects related to implementing it general controls 00:06:09.430 --> 00:06:09.440 implementing it general controls 00:06:09.440 --> 00:06:10.950 implementing it general controls there are many sub-aspects to the 00:06:10.950 --> 00:06:10.960 there are many sub-aspects to the 00:06:10.960 --> 00:06:13.749 there are many sub-aspects to the process which i've only skimmed over 00:06:13.749 --> 00:06:13.759 process which i've only skimmed over 00:06:13.759 --> 00:06:15.990 process which i've only skimmed over hopefully this has been useful if so 00:06:15.990 --> 00:06:16.000 hopefully this has been useful if so 00:06:16.000 --> 00:06:17.909 hopefully this has been useful if so please give the video a like 00:06:17.909 --> 00:06:17.919 please give the video a like 00:06:17.919 --> 00:06:19.350 please give the video a like i'll be adding more cyber security 00:06:19.350 --> 00:06:19.360 i'll be adding more cyber security 00:06:19.360 --> 00:06:22.070 i'll be adding more cyber security videos in future so please subscribe if 00:06:22.070 --> 00:06:22.080 videos in future so please subscribe if 00:06:22.080 --> 00:06:23.029 videos in future so please subscribe if that is something you would be 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